Thursday, 24 September 2009

Please note new date of mini-reunion-2 November

Due to an unavoidable circumstance, kindly note that the 3 November mini-reunion and planning meeting will be held at the same place: Golden Pine Hotel, but on the second of November. Kindly note this change of dates, and we look forward to seeing you there, Class 61mates, and Class86friends.


  1. Sorry, I have tons of emails coming in after it was repaired, and I could hardly catch up in answering. I have a question ... This mini reunion on Nov. 2, 1) how many are attending; 2) who will be attending, IV-1 section only or will it include all the 4
    (Iv-1, IV-2, IV-3,& IV-4)? Reason I'm asking is to ensure that I will know who to notify on this date and to confirm their attendance.

    The lyrics are excellent -

    Just a minor correction - the city high uniform is skirt is maroon with matchinching neck tie.

    What shall we wear during the 2 day affair, during the day, t-shirts, caps? The dinner will definitely be formal, so the guys can either be in tuxedo or coat and tie or barong, whichever is your choice, ladie can either wear formal attire... evening gown?

    Also, we have to think how much to donate, what to donate, or shall we give a four year scholarship/s to deserving students or just allowances. The only donation were the books sent by Rodolfo years ago (during the world trade center bombing).

    Just asking,

  2. My personal thoughts,

    The invitation is being extended to the 'whole' class of 1961. It must NOT be exclusive and restricted to 'IV-1', else there will be just a handful of you attending.

    My suggestion is to get the 'Silver Jubileeans' in attendance at the start. What's the purpose of getting the 'Goldies' at the initial hour and then meeting with the 'Silvers' at the following hour? Would it not be appropriate for everybody to be all on-board at the get go? While I'm at it, I further suggest that a representative (preferably the Principal, Asst Principal or a senior teacher) from the current high school staff should be invited to participate in this meeting.

    The success of this function will depend on the participation and cooperation of all in attendance. So Delma, we place this on your shoulder to invite everyone!

  3. I'm concerned on what to wear for our reunion dinner. Would it be okay to wear my G-strings? It's been a while since my 'tatang' saw me in this 'inta-co' outfit. I promise to wear my black penguined-tail coat which I wore at Ronald Reagan's inauguration. The coat-tail should cover those old vital parts which have 'kimre-et' over the years. Please let me know so I can send them for dry cleaning!

  4. P.S. I meant, my outfit to the cleaners. The vital parts stay with me.

  5. Hi Rudy,
    Where are you having a "mini reunion"?

  6. Thats right - lets use our g strings while we're still able and nimble before pampers catch up on us....
