Wednesday, 25 January 2012

The Three Pastors

Joe, Frank, and Rey. They are Class 61’s reverends. They have taken vows to commit themselves to spread the gospel and tie their words deeply into the Biblical text. They give context to Faith. They coax out the better angels in our nature.

Joe, in addition to his brilliant career in the military as a graduate of PMA and retiring as general with the Philippine National Police, has also sought a parallel vocation through a Christian education from the Philippine Bible Theological Seminary. Joe and Myrna’s lives are closely intertwined with their Christian faith.

Frank, is pastor of the Nazarene Congregational Church in New York. He and his wife Estrellita are active in the Amazing Grace Community Outreach.

Rey, is with Good News Mission in Baguio. He and Joe provided us with their words of grace at the meals taken with our Class 61 members. His wife Nene is also active in church activities.

While this blog does not pretend to be a Wikipedia, it would be appreciated if we can add more to this “stub” through stories, photos and other aspects about the Three Pastors! You can also find Myrna, Frank, and Rey in Facebook where you can view their photos, comments, grandchildren


  1. A Defense Attorney Has Been Appointed For You
    “My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.” 1 John 2:1
    The way to deal with your sins is for you to confess – that means, you are to begin by agreeing with God as to what He says about your sin. You need to also confidently deal with your sin. Now, what do I mean by that?
    You have your own attorney when you go into the judge’s chambers for adjudication. According to God’s Word, you have an Advocate, which is another name for attorney.
    The devil is the prosecuting attorney who points the accusing finger at us, and says, “Look at him!” And Jesus, the defense attorney, stands by our side and says, “But Father, look at Me. I shed My blood for him.” snow Because Jesus died, our debt is paid. Hallelujah! Though our sins are as scarlet, He will wash them white as!
    Max kucado

  2. Beloved, We are saved by grace through faith not of title,not of positon, achievement,being bishop, cardinal,pope,reverend,priest.what have you.Faith entails obedience to God'sWord,trusting God,being forgiven,not of rituals, not cere- monies. It is finished work of Jesus Christ in the cross.

  3. Amen to that dear classmates! My best advice is to have an Advocate than none at all.

  4. One of them reverends is the legitimate valedictorian of BCHS Class 1961 - Jose Andaya.FYI

  5. Beloved go to u tube p23 hrs and wiise testimony and visit hell and heaven. We go together.okay
