Monday, 23 April 2012

Guessing Game Number 28


  1. She must be MaryAnne Z. I remember the well dressed gentleman(her dad)holding her.

  2. Hello, Anon. Thanks for your guess, which is correct!!

  3. -----Original Message-----
    From: Mary Ann Floresca
    To: rtl1
    Sent: Sat, May 12, 2012 9:33 am
    Subject: Guessing game no. 28 April 23,2012

    Hi friends, Has anyone else guess who that little girl was? If it was not for
    the picture of my late beloved Dad Amadeo Quero Zarza I would not know that it
    was me. How exciting to even know how you got this picture. How can I get a copy
    of this picture? I'll surely appreciate it very much. Thank you so much for
    whoever found and posted the beautiful picture especially of my Dad when he was
    a young Pastor at the UCCP church in Baguio and I was around three years old.
    God bless you all. Your former classmate, Mary Ann Zarza Floresca
    Rudy, I tried to send it to but says no server, so I
    am sending it to you and can you do something about it. Thank you so much and I
    really appreciate it. Thank you and God bless you. Mary Ann
    Sent from my iPad

    From Mary Ann

  4. Message to everyone:

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