What an inspiring note from Frank! True, sharing is a good thing especially in the sunset phase of our years: the negative aspects of the past are slowly erased, and the good and positive things come to the forefront: a most Christian thought. While we were ending our visit, Joe A. held a prayer, focusing on the fellowship we have as former classmates, and a speedy recovery of Joe's affliction.
We also request Class61 to give moral and prayer support, and any other instruments that we have access to, for the relief from pain and suffering of Marlo's husband. Marlo spends her waking hours taking care of him, and we commend that she was able to spare a few and precious moments to be away from his bedside to join us in the reunion activities.
As with Filipinas Beltran, daughter of our Biology teacher Felisa Beltran. Filipinas retired as Biology teacher too at City High and belongs to Class60. She did not miss their golden festivities inspite of treatments which I understand are painful and highly expensive. E.
i can see your joyful contenance in the parade all smiling, beau- tiful ah!
let me share you justlittle words.
we are all vulnerable to disease and often cause by stress and negligence to the law of good healthy so i do away anxiety and stressful living. i want to live a joyous,meaningful,worry free style of life which make me healthy doing away hate, selfishness, and greed. i love because it has an element of healing. I am healed because i am forgiven and live a pure, blameless, and possbly holy. what makes me healthy are the healthy food i prepare in the table. i learn the value of food, food that heal bu avoid garbage food. i prefer fruits and vegie and less meat in the table. i learn the right kind of food go benefit my body but moderately. i do physical exercise necessary for body mobility.
i learn not to fear any diseases even cancer. oh yes, cancer! there's nothing to fear because we can manage to drive away cancer cells. it has no cure but we can prevent and vanish that dreadful cells in the body.
THE METHOD TO GET RID WITH IT IS TO STRENGTHEN THE IMMUNE SYSTEM. i don't use prescribed medicine it only aggrevate the pain because of side effects. i use alternative medicine which are better yet- a NATURES WAY. CHEMOTHERAPY will weaken only the healthy body cells that make one sick. go to internet and look for alternative method to strengthen the immune system eg.: MmPower ( i use this), vit C, garlic, etc. it demand us discipline. free yourself from worry, fear allienation and live with faith: call HIS NAME. KEEP ON PRAYING, HEED STRONGLY INSTRUCTIONS FROM GOD'S WORD: THE BIBLE.
DEVELOP A WHOLESOME ATTITUDE, AND FOLLOW STRICTLY THE LAW OF GOOD HEALTHY. always connect yourswelf to the true VINE. live and enjoy the abundant life that He promised.
beloved, the last resort to get rid of cancer is very effective but dangerous, between life and death.
go to internet and look for HYDROGEN PEROXIDE it is a high grade different from the one we buy over the counter. HYDROGEN PEROXIDE will supply the body with much oxygen which cancer cell will not thrive with it. to prepare -get 8 oz of distilled water add 7 drops from a dropper. drink.
on the next day add 8 drops, second day 9 drops - until 24 drops but not to go farther than 24 drops. between life and death but you choose life. lift up to the Lord His decession.
The maintance dozage is 7 drops of hydogen perozide but in serious. gravous case is up tp 24 drops of hydron perozide.
by the way, beloved, i forgot something. what is the food of cancer cells? IT IS SUGAR.
correction please . . .
instead of mmpower search Immpower
(Immpower AHCC dietary supplement)
this work out for you.
if you need help let me know . .
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