Photo: Street scene, Intramuros today.
Entries, guesses and comments are welcome! This is the sixth in the Guessing Game series. Be a risk-taker and send in your guess.
Clue 1: I started my government service as a messenger, moving on as typist, ledger clerk, license clerk, paymaster, and finally as Special Disbursing Officer with the Bureau of Public Works.
Clue 2: I was born in Besao.
Clue 3: The Trinidad Agricultural School and Baguio Colleges are my alma maters.
Clue 4: I had one son and three daughters.
Clue 5: One of my daughters was in Class’61.
Clue 6: Her married name starts with a “D”.
Clue 7: She is active in one of the Christian religions in Baguio, a strong affiliation of her husband.
Clue 8: One of my grandsons is a graduate from UP College of Medicine and works with disadvantaged and poor groups, known as an “island doctor” .
Clue 9: One of my older daughters was an AFS scholar, BCHS Class 59.
Clue 10: The other has an Education degree from UP, BCHS Class 50.
Can you guess on the identity of this person?
Take a guess on the identity of this person. Entries are invited and most, most welcome, from Class '61 members, non-members too! Photo to be provided soon.
Clue 1: I have a degree in Agriculture from the University of the Philippines, at Los Baños.
Clue 2: My exciting work involved encouraging the cultivation of coffee in Mountain Province.
Clue 3: I hail from San Miguel, Bulacan.
Clue 4: I had five handsome sons and three good-looking daughters.
Clue 5: One of my daughters used to lead Class’61, to sing the National Anthem, each morning.
Clue 6: Her married name starts with a “D”.
Clue 7: My biggest problem with her '61 classmates is how to shoo them off to pick the big, fat juicy experimental strawberries from the farm.
Clue 8: My wife Agapita was a great cook.
Clue 9. My daughter often made “baon” of delicious tambo-tambong guinataan, packed in a glass jar to share with her classmates.
Clue 10: My daughter was a die-hard fan of Amy, Susie and Tessie, but inclined toward Amy.
Clue 11: She graduated as Valedictorian from Bonifacio Elementary School.
Do you have stories about our classmates to share? Ag-share kayo met a, before you meet Mr. Alzheimer and his friends...
There is something magical and mystical about arriving in Baguio, especially after a long spell of an absence. My old schools, the main drag which is Session Road and places where we, in the sixties, made the equivalent of hanging out with friends, the restaurants and snack places where I used to go with family, and braving a visit to the kurba at Magsaysay Avenue, opposite Lucban Elementary School, where I grew up. The house is no longer there: a church stands in its place, but still marvel how much the environment has changed: where mountains used to stand, are now residences, particularly the lower and upper Quirino Hills.
As I take in these places, so familiar and so strange, a tsunami of memories flood my mind. I remembered incidents and people I hadn’t thought of in years, decades even. I thought of things I’d done with my elementary school classmates, with my parents and siblings. How things appear to be much smaller now, or perhaps the world is actually a larger place. My husband and daughter hold very paltry memories of my mother (my father passed away before I was married), and hoping that my childhood memories would be made alive, and breathe life into the static images from old family photographs. I sometimes compare these memories with my brother and three sisters, filling in gaps and differences and in awe of those vivid images that continue to resonate forcefully with us.
My earliest recollections and memory push me back to the house on Rimando Road, which was named Aurora Hill Road during those times. My father came to Baguio as a teacher in Pacdal Elementary School, while my mother started a dry goods business, specializing in extending credit to people who worked in the various mines around Baguio, and which sometimes were cancelled on barter with gold nuggets.
Baguio the pioneer town then, had a number of government- built houses for their employees. In that area of Aurora Hill, there were six which were identical. A drawing number system was set up for allocations. These families were recipients of the six houses: Balagot, Cerezo, Concepcion, Domingo, Floresca, and Jose. Two of these houses were slightly bigger in area, and Mr. Jose and my father, both school teachers, picked the numbers for these houses, and it so happened that these were the last of the two numbers. Later on, my father had the dining room converted into a bedroom and a new dining room and kitchen area were built. Mr. Jose’s house had an open garage where my father used it to park his Model T Ford. The Floresca family included Eddie, husband of Maryann Zarza. Three of us: my two elder sisters and me, were all born in the same bed in the masters bedroom at Aurora Hill with Ms Rosa Caliao, R.N., attending. The bed was built by my father when he was a woodworking teacher in Butuan, Agusan, where hardwood, especially narra was in abundance then.
I cannot really recall that house much, but one of the memories which I cherish was playing with Alma and Marilou Lloren, who also lived in the neighborhood. One of our games with my sister Delia would be to pretend that the city health inspector would be sighted coming up Rimando Road with his black bag, to vaccinate the children who were out playing in the streets. So we would all dive under the narra bed, close our eyes tightly, and let some time pass, at least until after the imaginary health inspector would be on his way to other destinations. Another game was to pretend that a “Busol” was coming up the road: a “Busol” is a local headhunter, where it was still practiced in those times, in some interior areas. “Busol!! Adda Busol nga assideggen!!” Again, we would dive under the bed, close our eyes and fists tightly, and wait.
Another snippet of memory is the Cooperative Sari Sari Store, which I think was on the other side of Rimando Road from us. “Inka gumatang iti asukar idiay Cooperative Store!” or some other needed commodity, was commanded to my elder siblings (I was too young to cross the street.) Years later, I give myself the luxury of a chuckle, when I go shopping into one of the Coop Supermarkets in Geneva (my UN headquarters was located there when I worked for ITC-UNCTAD WTO), automatically comparing the humble corner store with the major Swiss chain (most of the Swiss would say it like “kurp”, no hyphen in Coop).
In 1950, the house at Magsaysay Avenue or Trinidad Road as it was called then, was completed. We moved out of Rimando Road, with our household effects and 25 avocado seedlings which were planted at the new house. If I am correct, the mother avocado tree still stands in Aurora Hill, which is currently occupied by the Romeros. These Aurora Hill avocado trees proliferated, as the family had, but that is another story.
Road construction by Aurora Hill women probably about 1915: photo from: http://adambaguio2009.wordpress.com/2009/07/
Banayat-Calub, Norma
Lambino, Rodolfo
Salcedo-Rodriguez, Estrella
* = with spouse.
Andaya, Jose *
Andres, Jane
Balagot, Arthur
Banayat-Calub, Norma *
Batnag-Daytec, Eunice
Bersamira-Tejada, Carmencita
Bucaycay-Alacbay, Lourdes
Buenaflor, Eduardo
Calica-Buluran, Nora *
Camero, Alberto
Cordoviz, Reynaldo *
Dacanay-Gaffud, Erlinda
Domingo-Barker, Evelyn
Garcia, Eleodoro
Go-Abastillas, Norma *
Gutierrez, Bonifacio
Lavarias, Delma
Medina-Brown, Louella
Naoe-Peralta, Amparo *
Orpilla, Antonio
Paz-de Guzman, Consolacion
Pimentel-Aspiras, Marlo
Querimit-Narciso, Rosalia
Ramos-Dichoso, Gloria
Ubaldo, Manuel
Villanueva, Warlito
Dacawi, Jose *
Tabangin, Raymond
Magalong, Jaime
The following is a listing of Class 1957 of Lucban Elementary School.
Notes, 14 October 2009
ABELLERA (GALVEZ), Corazon . St. Louis Girls High School Class 61. Both she and husband Kit are graduates of the UP School of Dentistry . address (in internet) Cora and Kit Galvez 10324 Capewood Place Stockton, CA 95212 USA Brother is Dr. Guido Dulay Abellera 123 S Commerce St Ste D Stockton, CA 95202 (209) 467-6825
ALAFRIZ, Orlando (drowned in a boating accident in La Union per his sister Imelda, the case was never resolved, some think it was foul play)
ALVAREZ, Daphnedu. Nephew of Mrs. Vijiga, maybe did not graduate with us.
AMISTAD, Nancy (am trying to trace her, a nurse in Oregon it seems. In BCHS Class 61)
ANDAYA, Jose. (Salutatorian, LES Class 57. Valedictorian BCHS Class 61). Retired 2-star general Philippine National Police. PMA graduate. Also Philippine Bible Theological Seminary.
BALWENG, Marlene (cousin of Manuel Estrella). BCHS Class 61 Lived in Trinidad. Her mother was American mestiza.
BUCAYCAY-ALACBAY, Lourdes. uspsbga@aol.com BCHS Class 61
CACCAM, Normita. Lived in Sanitary Camp with her cousin, also a classmate (can’t recall her name, also a Caccam)
CALDERON, Esther (deceased 1990?) Daughter of Maria Calderon, our 6th grade HE teacher. BCHS Class 61.
CARAMAT, Jose. He lived in Trancoville.
CARLING, John (did he join the US Navy?) He is part Chinese, I think.
DACAIMAT, Norma (she sold delicious kankannen at the market during weekends)
DEPAYNOS, Victoria (was she our classmate at LES? In BCHS Class 61)
DOMINGO -BARKER, Evelyn. rajadamnern1@yahoo.com (Valedictorian, LES Class 57. Second Honor, BCHS Class 61)
DOMINGUEZ, Esther . Correction: Esther is the younger sister of Mary our classmate. I saw their house at Dizon Subdivision recently. Dad was with US Navy, had PX goods sometimes.
DONATO,Colas (did he join the US Navy?) In BCHS Class 61
DUCUSIN, Yolanda. Lived on Magsaysay Ave. near the Slaughterhouse entrance road.
DUNN, David. Dory’s cousin? Maybe did not graduate with us.
ESMABE, Pedro. They had a stall at the market
ESTRELLA, Manuel (In Don Bosco High School Class 61) Lived in Trinidad.
FANGONIL, Dominador (deceased 1995, in Washington, DC) We both attended Ludy’s wedding in Norfolk Va., he drove in his VW. Son of Mrs. Fangonil, 4th grade teacher at LES. In BCHS Class 61
FRONDOSO, Eduardo. He lived opposite the hanging bridge entrance (now the Bell Temple) , Km. 4 of Trinidad Road. His Dad was an electrician.
GARCIA, Natividad. She is Tagalog.
GENOVE, Erlinda. She lived near the crossing, opposite the Tabora house.
GLENDA, Erlinda. She had extra digits in her hands. Her family lived in the Villalon compound.
GUNDRAN, Rizalino. He lived in Trancoville. In BCHS Class 61.
LEE, Hilton (or Milton, or Helton?) He lived in Trinidad. Chinese/ Igorot parents.
IGUALDO, Quemy. (was he a classmate at Lucban?) In BCHS Class 61.
KALASKAS, Albert (Lizam?) His son also Albert is on Facebook and was able to get his Dad’s cell no. in the Philippines
KIN-ONG, Loreto (did he join the US Navy?)
LLOREN, Philip. (I think he still lives at Sanitary Camp) Cousin of Ludy. In BCHS Class 61.
MENCIO, Dominga (now Shirley Kalaskas, wife of Alberto (Lizam?) Kalaskas
MON, Romeo (deceased 1985?, plane crash in the US, was visiting his Peace Corps girlfriend.) Lived in Camdas.
LOPEZ, Lolita. I can’t remember a lot about her, she was a Girl Scout.
NG, Linda (last time i saw her, she was a teller at a bank in Baguio, in 1973)
OVIEDO, Leopoldo. He sang solo at Christmas programs. (Did he pass away?)
PAN-OY, Leon (was he a classmate at Lucban?) In BCHS Class 61
PEREZ, ANGELITA (She lives in Arizona, per her sister who is the manager at Rural Bank of Baguio on Session Road) In St. Louis Girls High School Class 61. Her nickname now is Boots.
POSADAS, Salome. Maybe did not graduate with us.
PUCAY-PILAY, Charito ( was she in LES? In BCHS Class 61) Retired teacher, I think.
ROSADO (NUES), Adoracion. nues244@comcast.net. In Baguio Tech High School Class 61.
SAN JUAN, Carmelita (deceased 1986?) Lived at Slaughterhouse Road. She always had A-1 type of ruled paper. In BCHS Class 61
SALI, Lewis (?) his brother Arthur said last May 2009 that Lewis lives in Vancouver, Canada.
SOO, Nenita. Her Dad was a cook at a Chinese restaurant. TABINGO, Lydia BCHS 61.
VELASCO, Robin. Best friend of Colas Donato.
VENTIGAN, Benigno. His sister Perla was my sister Delia’s best friend in elementary school, she lives in New York City. In St. Louis Boys High School Class 61
VILLALON, Andres. He died of heart failure, per his cousin Imelda Alafriz of Slaughter Camp. They still have that property oppositve LES, including an architectural firm. His mother and sister Julia (was a PAL stewardess) visited me in Washington DC about 1973.
VILLANUEVA, Marina (was she in Lucban? In BCHS Class 61)
YEE, Lourdes. She was friendly with Nancy, Nizam, Flora.
ZAMORA, Manuel. He attended Lucban, but I think he did not graduate with us. He had a friend … SANTOS, can’t remember his first name. His mother was a teacher, I think.
... Jeremias (?) he was the school bully
... Flora?Kin-ong? She had masaflora from her yard
…Lilia Leung? (chinese iso)
JEREMIAS - I forgot his last name, used to be the class bully)