Monday 2 November 2009

Class'61 Bloggers

Dear loyal readers,

Thanks for keeping the momentum of this bchs61 blog, through your expressed and unexpressed opinions vocally, or via email or through the Comment boxes.

Imagine, that about ten years back it would have been impossible to do instant messaging, emailing, social networking (Facebook and its army of wannabes), cellular phones and others which are out there... Blogging is another way of getting in touch, sharing news and views, and providing access to areas of interest. We were raised in a generation where these newfangled stuff are so foreign: the next generation was steeped into its use. For instance, I type on my keyboard like I do on a typewriter, like the lessons and exercises I took at Adamson University to fill in my summers (together with shorthand which I found extremely useful in taking down notes while at classes). One finger one letter at a time, constructing each word from each letter. But my daughter and her cohorts: they type while their fingers fly at the keyboard, word by word! I bought a first generation Blackberry but have not mastered its use: I think it is still in its original box, overtaken by features of lesser expensive and easier to use devices.

So let us put technology into good use through more use of emails and the blogs.

The most difficult part of blogging is to figure out what to write, what the readers would be interested in, the frequency of posting, waxing and waning motivation and enthusiasm. For this particular blog, the underlying principle was: would a classmate be interested in this entry?? Maybe yes, maybe no: but if there is even just a thin glimmer of interest, then it goes in.

Heaven help us if a burnout and creative-process-block occurs!! There are some days when there is no idea entering the gray matter, or perhaps there is an idea but no supporting facts. Ngem uray pay, uray bassit laeng nga posting will combat the DONOTBLOG demon.

If you are now in the market for something familiar but quite new, something interesting and not so interesting, try visiting (and commenting, hopefully) the other blogs created by your Class 61 circle. For various types of readers. For various types of subject matter. You know, your comments, ideas, no matter how large or small, are always, always welcome!!

"Blessed are the Bloggers, for they shall inherit cyberspace". I could not find an appropriate quote, so I made up one myself. Congratulations to me! But really, it should read, "Blessed are the Blog Readers, for they shall verily be informed."

Rudy L's blog: have you visited it yet? It reflects his passion for baseball and the Yanks, his faithfulness to his frat, the spiritual journeys and religious side of his family life. But not necessarily in that order, haan aya, balet? Here is the link, and if you fail to remember it, just remember RUDY LAMBINO and it will take you there via Pantranco ooops no, via Google.

Evelyn D-B's blog: Our ten-year posting in Kathmandu, Nepal was one of the most rewarding, in our UN life. We had developed, over the years, a group of friends who were also highly enthusiastic about their own tours of duty there with the UN, USAID, SATA, JICA and other organizations. It was truly a most memorable place and chunk of time for us. From time to time, we recall what we did, places we visited, people we met, in this culture-rich Buddhist country. The blog reconstructs bits and pieces of what our life was like there. Do visit!

FOR YOUR READING CONVENIENCE, updates to these two blogs are placed on the right hand column, soon after 'LINKS'. We would be very happy to post your blogs as well!!

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